

葡萄酒大師李志延Jeannie Cho Lee MW出任Interwine國際葡萄酒及烈酒大賽評委會主席


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葡萄酒大師李志延Jeannie Cho Lee MW的身上,
Jeannie Cho Lee MW - The first Ethnically Asian Master of Wine 
葡萄酒大師(Master of Wine,縮寫為MW)是英國葡萄酒大師協(xié)會所頒發(fā)的一項資格認證,一般認為代表了葡萄酒行業(yè)專業(yè)知識領域的最高水準,李志延女士出生于韓國首爾,不久便移民美國,并獲得哈佛大學(Harvard University)公共政策碩士學位。滿懷著對葡萄酒的熱情,李女士于2008年獲頒“葡萄酒大師”這一最高榮譽,成為協(xié)會歷史上第一位亞裔大師。
Master of Wine (MW) is a qualification issued by The Institute of Masters of Wine in the United Kingdom. The MW qualification is generally regarded in the wine industry as the highest standard of professional wine knowledge. Born in Seoul, Korea and shortly thereafter moved to the United States, Lee received her Masters in public policy from Harvard University. With a strong passion in wine, Lee received this highest distinction as Master of Wine in 2008, being the first Asian person in the history of the Institute to do so. 
李志延大師是《福布斯》雜志的專欄作家,還為《Decanter》、《葡萄酒觀察家》(Wine Spectator)等著名業(yè)內(nèi)出版物撰稿。她是香港理工大學(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)的教授,參與創(chuàng)立了國際葡萄酒管理理學碩士課程;也是香港中華廚藝學院和國際廚藝學院的客座教授,并且還是英國葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金會(Wine and Spirits Education Trust)以及美國葡萄酒教育家協(xié)會(US Society of Wine Educators)的認證講師。
Lee writes for FORBES magazine, also for other famous wine industry publications such as DECANTER, WINE SPECTATOR, etc. Lee is also currently a professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Poly U) where she helped to launch the Master of Science (MSc) program in International Wine Management. She is also a Visiting Professor at the Chinese Culinary Institute and the International Culinary Institute. She is a Certified Wine Educator with both the UK’s Wine & Spirits Education Trust and the US Society of Wine Educators.     
Being a wine critic, journalist, educator and consultant, Jeannie Cho Lee MW is a frequent judge at international wine competitions such as the International Wine Challenge, Decanter World Wine Awards, Royal Adelaide Wine Show, Mundus Vini and Wines of the Pacific Rim. 
她也是一位屢獲殊榮的作家。她所撰寫的創(chuàng)新著作《東膳西釀》(Asian Palate)深入探索了葡萄酒與亞洲美食的搭配, 獲得眾多榮譽,其中包括2010法國美食家世界最佳酒食搭配書籍大獎(Gourmand Award for Best Food and Wine Pairing Book in the World)。她于2011年出版的第二部著作《東品西釀》(Mastering Wine for the Asian Palate)更以嶄新的亞洲視角,引入亞洲詞匯用以描述葡萄酒。兩部著作皆已再版,并以英語、簡體中文與韓文三種語言發(fā)行。李女士也擁有法國藍帶廚藝學院(Le Cordon Bleu)廚藝證書,并接受日本酒侍酒研究會(Sake Service Institute)清酒侍酒大師(Master Sake Sommelier)培訓。
Lee is also an award-winning author. Her pioneering book, Asian Palate, which explores wine and Asian food pairings, has won many awards, including the Gourmand Award for Best Food and Wine Pairing Book in the World in 2010. Her second book, Mastering Wine for the Asian Palate (2011), provides a fresh Asian perspective, introducing a new set of Asian wine descriptors. Both books are in their second reprint and are available in English, Korean and simplified Chinese. Lee holds a Certificate de Cuisine from Cordon Bleu and trained as a Master Sake Sommelier at Japan’s Sake Service Institute. 
Jeannie Cho Lee’s achievement originates from her passion and perpetual curiosity about wine. For over 22 years, Lee has been following and writing about China’s quickly growing wine industry while living in Hong Kong and is currently active and engaged with most of the major wine regions in China. Lee’s understanding on the Chinese market and her expertise in Asian cuisine and wine pairing comes from her lengthy practical experience and constant research.
Lee is in a unique position to understand both the food and wine drinking culture of China such as the “ bottoms-up” drinking culture which is a tradition of drinking in many Asian countries including China, Japan, Korea and some Southeast Asia countries. 
由于其對餐飲行業(yè)的杰出貢獻,李女士于2015年11月被《南華早報》(South China Morning Post)及《德布雷特》(Debrett's)選為香港最具影響力100人之一。2013年她被《Decanter)雜志評為葡萄酒行業(yè)最具影響力人物第25位,2015年被《葡萄酒評論》(La Revue du Vin de France)雜志列入葡萄酒行業(yè)最具影響力60人名單,并在2009年獲得意大利國際葡萄酒展(Vinitaly)大獎。
Recognized for her contributions to the food and drinks industry, Jeannie was selected as one of the top 100 most influential people in Hong Kong by the South China Morning Post and Debrett’s in November 2015. She was named the 25th most powerful person in wine by Decanter magazine (UK) and was listed among the top 60 most influential people in wine by La Revue du Vin (France) in 2015 and won the International Vinitaly Award (Italy) in 2009.
The deep understanding of China and Asian cultures differentiates Jeannie Cho Lee MW from many of her peers and makes her a special asset to the Interwine Challenge.
結(jié)緣 Interwine國際葡萄酒及烈酒大賽
Why Interwine Challenge ?  
2005年起,Interwine China 中國(廣州)國際名酒展已逐步發(fā)展為中國市場最大規(guī)模的進口葡萄酒及烈酒展會之一。以中央政府“一帶一路”政策為指針,Interwine China 中國(廣州)國際名酒展將力求發(fā)展為區(qū)域性與沿途國家范圍內(nèi)最具影響力的酒展,成為中國與歐洲、西亞以及非洲之間的紐帶,而其旗下Interwine 國際葡萄酒及烈酒大賽,也逐步將目光放眼亞洲,布局全球。
Founded in 2005, Interwine China has developed into one of the biggest imported wine and spirits exhibitions in the Chinese market. With the China central government policy of ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, Interwine China plans to build its influence as the top wine & spirits exhibition in regions and countries along this belt that will connect China with Europe, West Asia and Africa. These routes will also be Interwine’s strategic market, with the Interwine Challenge acquiring a global prospective. 
Starting from 2017, Interwine Challenge will follow its strategy linking up markets including
Europe – Africa – Western Asia – South Asia – China
providing a brand-new professional wine competition to wine producers worldwide, wine distributors and consumers in Asia and China. With the partnership of Jeannie Cho Lee MW, we believe that Interwine Challenge will be making history on its journey to Asia and the rest of the world.
第17屆 中國國際名酒展葡萄酒及烈酒大賽
 Interwine  Challenge  (17th Session)
2016.11.10 – 2016.11.12
Organizer:Fair Canton Universal Co., Ltd
Co-organizer : NEWPEARL wines

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